Wednesday, 20 March 2013

AMFPHP installation and solving config error

AmfPHP is to provide a really simple way of connecting a client with a server.

AmfPHP is a Remoting Library for PHP. Key features are support for AMF among other Protocols, and developer tools such as a service browser and a client code generator.

download and put it on the php site address location   /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html
i followed up to 4 step - i get the result..

for details configuration steps follows 

for configuration:-


Hi everyone,

Hope this is the last reply for this post.Please follow the steps below for any problem installing AMFPHP 1.9 on your server. I am assuming u are using the version from this link

CheckList #1: Delete or comment out every line in the .htaccess file in amfphp folder.
CheckList #2: Check for the version of PHP of the server from this link http://yourserver/amfphp/phpinfo.php
CheckList #3: Most probably it is > 5.3. So u have to add this code on the first line of globals.php in ur amfphp root folder.

Code: Select all
 ini_set('date.timezone', 'America/Los_Angeles');

above this line
Code: Select all
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());

CheckList #4: If the above step does not work then search for the setting
Default timezone
Checklist #2.Refer to the image below for reference.
date.jpg (16.2 KiB) Viewed 3022 times

CheckList #5: Open up the file
Code: Select all
and jump to line 505. Once there, you need to replace these three lines:
Code: Select all
$comment = eregi_replace(”\n[ \t]+”, “\n”, trim($comment));
$comment = str_replace(”\n”, “\\n”, trim($comment));
$comment = eregi_replace(”[\t ]+”, ” “, trim($comment));

with these three lines below:
Code: Select all
$comment = preg_replace(”'\n[ \t]+'U”, “\n”, trim($comment));
$comment = str_replace(”\n”, “\\n”, trim($comment));
$comment = preg_replace(”'[\t ]+'U”, ” “, trim($comment));

Save and close the file.

Monday, 18 March 2013

version control system

version control system - svn

for easy installation go with
1. server - subversion edge by collabnet  
    client - tortoise svn

for notes: